Friday 23 September 2016

Wow. It's been a while since my last post and lots of things have happened! I signed up for ok_cupid, I quit it because a lot of dudes were creepers. I signed up for eHarmony and I quit it too and then was charged an extra cycle. I downloaded Tinder and bumble and met up with a total of 1 guy from Tinder, well technically 2, but the first one didn't count (long story).

I also met up with a guy from ok_cupid, but that one also doesn't count because it was a "I'm going to give these dudes, creepy or not, a chance and meet the next guy who asks to meet up" moment. Spoiler alert: if he asks you what kind of coffee shops you like and you say, "independent" and he says, "meet me at Starbucks", just do yourself a favour and don't go.

I like bumble, if only for the fake profiles of super hot dudes that could possssssibly be real dudes. But definitely aren't. But maybe could be.

There have also been a couple real-life guys that I didn't meet online, but they were brief and nothing of real meaning or consequence.

Maybe I'll post again in a year or two!

Wednesday 20 May 2015

A Slow Start

OkCupid has been ok (Cupid) so far. A lot of messages (relative to my experience) have come in. Surprisingly a lot of messages from South Asian (aka brown) dudes. I don't know if this means that the website is skewed with more brown folk or that the brown folk find me attractive. It honestly may be the latter (not to toot my own horn) because when I first signed up I thought there were only white dudes on OkCupid.

Let me also show you the only photo I had uploaded.

I had more than one dude that said that my eye was beautiful lolz. I also had a couple guys who said my eyes were beautiful. I wanted to reply with "even my glass eye???" but chickened out.

Also something I noticed: there are dudes who think that women won't notice when they copy and paste a long-ass first message. Hellooooo. When you copy and paste and it's all about "I think we could be compatible as soul mates for the long run"... NO. Just NO. When you send the initial message, it should be witty and attention grabbing (in a good/funny way, IMO). How the F do you think we'll be compatible as soul mates when you haven't seen a single message from me and you only have one eye to go on? //rant over

So I've been chatting with one dude from OkCupid and he seems nice. We're going to meet up at some point soonish to chat and check each other out. I feel somewhat bad though because I'm free zero weekends until mid-June, so we're going to have to do a mid-week first date. Depressing I know. Ehh, such is life.

I just joined eHarmony at the suggestion of Carol. We are dating-site buddies. The first time I answered the questionnaire I got rejected. The second time I got through. I was probably too honest about how depressed/sad/angry I've been in the last month with work being super stressful.

Monday 18 May 2015

Ok... Cupid.

So I'm signing up for OkCupid right now as we speak.. err.. as I type.

I've barely done anything and I'm already stuck..

What should my username be? Jeez. So hard! My friend Carol (who iMessaged me telling me she's signing up and I should too) suggested "Raptor Girl" since I'm a huge fan, but I have a weird thing about pigeonholing myself as just one thing.

Will my OkCupid experience stop here now because I can't think of a stupid username?!

Ok(Cupid), I decided. I think I went a little overboard with stress and googling "good dating site usernames" so I scaled back to simply my Instagram username: rigidmink.

Things are going well. I've set up my account and I'm slowly filling out my profile. I like that there are unique questions on here like, "The six things I could never live without" or "I spend a lot of time thinking about".

I think I like the interface of this site. It's more polished and feels cleaner than Plenty of Fish. I've already got a few messages. Will report back on anything major.